海阔天空 兩婦女權益團體致特朗普公開...

兩婦女權益團體致特朗普公開信: 繼續追究中共毀滅香港「一國兩制」的責任




中國人大(NPC) 繞過香港《基本法》,通過了香港版「國安法」。一個自由民主、和平繁榮的香港正遭遇毀滅性威脅。我們欣慰看到美國總統川普採取行動,追究中共責任,宣佈終止香港的經濟貿易特權。美國、英國、澳大利亞和加拿大四國政府也發表了聯合聲明,譴責中共違反香港回歸前「一國兩制」的國際承諾。我們呼籲川普總統、美國國會、聯合國和世界各地有良知的人們,摒棄一切政治分歧,繼續採取行動,以阻止中共獨裁政權為所欲為。

1997 年英中談判移交香港主權前,中方承諾保持香港的生活方式、政府運作及法治和金融財政的高度自治,直到 2047 年。但是今年 5 月中國人民代表大會通過的「港版國安法」,繞過了香港立法會,使香港喪失了高度自治權。中共所屬的《中國日報》指出,新法律旨在「預防,挫敗和懲罰任何分裂國家或顛覆活動,恐怖行為的組織以及其他嚴重威脅國家安全,以及外國恐怖主義活動。」

事實上,香港人數十年來專注把香港打造成了經濟強勁的亞洲四小龍之一,從未發生過「威脅國家安全的恐怖活動」。中共的「港版國安法」真正目的,就是剝奪言論自由、壓制批評和異議聲音。無數中國持不同政見者被莫須有的「顛覆」罪名判刑入獄,其中包括諾貝爾和平獎獲得者劉曉波,他在 11 年服刑期間死亡。所有關注民主自由的人們理所當然地擔心,一旦這項法律實施,異議聲音和不符合獨裁政權政治要求的商業活動,都可能被定為刑事犯罪。這項惡法如同架在港人脖子上的刀,宣告「一國兩制」的徹底終結。

同樣令人擔憂的是,依據「港版國安法」,北京將會在香港直接設置國家安全機構,並由北京直接控制。這意味著中共國安人員有權在香港採取不受香港法律約束的抓捕行動,並送回中國審理。為此,香港人從去年 6 月起舉行了多場超過 100 萬人和 200 萬人的大規模抗議活動,以反對將港人引渡到中國大陸的惡法。港人普遍認為,中國沒有公平公正的法律及司法。

我們與追求自由民主的香港人站在一起,他們為維護香港的高度自治權遭受了殘酷的鎮壓和折磨。我們讚揚美國政府從經濟上脫離中國而採取的一系列行動,包括 5 月 27 日宣布香港不再有自治權、終止香港的貿易特權的行動。我們明白,繼續縱容中共,就是助紂為虐,所有這些迫不得已的制裁行動都歸咎於中共的出爾反爾、破壞國際條約,以及他們對權力和金錢無恥的貪婪。

國際社會需要保護國家安全和經濟利益,擺在桌面上的是實施各種經濟和金融制裁,例如美國「當前危機委員會」(CPD, Committee on the Present Danger)建議對中國採取多方面的制裁。除此之外,我們還呼籲美國政府以《全球馬格尼茨基法案》來追究其個人責任,這是打擊肆意剝奪人身自由、侵犯他人權利最具威懾力的正義行動。



中國婦權創辦人兼執行長張菁(Jing Zhang),  Women’s Rights in China  (wrchina.org)

無疆界婦女權利創辦人兼執行長雷吉(Reggie Littlejohn), Women’s Rights Without Frontiers


OPEN LETTER: Hold China Accountable for Crushing Dissent in Hong Kong

To President Trump, the United States Congress and the United Nations:

A peaceful and prosperous Hong Kong poses an existential threat to the Chinese Communist Party’s narrative that Chinese people cannot thrive under freedom and democracy. The CCP has circumvented the rule of law by issuing a National Security Law that would crush all dissent in Hong Kong.

We call upon President Trump, the United States Congress, the United Nations, and governments of free nations all over the world, to set aside all political differences and continue to take bold action to hold China accountable for its hubris. We commend President Trump’s promise to end Hong Kong’s trading privileges, as well as the joint statement issued by the governments of the United States, UK, Australia and Canada, condemning China’s violation of the “one country, two systems” policy promised in the 1997 transfer of power from British to Chinese rule.

When Britain agreed to return Hong Kong to China in 1997, China agreed to afford Hong Kong protection of a “high degree of autonomy” in government, law and finances for 50 years, until 2047. Abrogating this autonomy, the National People’s Congress (NPC) has passed a law bypassing Hong Kong’s own Legislative Council. The CCP-owned China Dailystatedthat the new law is intended to “prevent, frustrate and punish any secessionist or subversive activity, the organizing of terrorist acts, and other acts that seriously threaten national security as well as activities of foreign and external interference in Hong Kong.” Indeed, according to a top CCP official quoted in China Daily,its intent is merely “to protect Hong Kong residents from the criminal acts of a small number of extremists.”

In practice, however, this law can be used to crush free speech, criticism, protest and dissent. Countless Chinese dissidents have been jailed on groundless charges of “subversion,” including Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, who in 2009 was sentenced to 11 years in prison for calling for democratic reform. He died while serving his sentence. Hong Kong activists rightly fear that this new law will render dissent, or even political discourse, a criminal offense. It represents the end of “one country, two systems.”

Equally worrisome, the new law implies that security forces from mainland China, such as the Ministry of State Security, will be set up in Hong Kong. According to a second article in China Daily, “The NPC draft decision has also stipulated that organs of national security of the central government will set up agencies in Hong Kong, whose operation will be according to law.” The people of Hong Kong mounted massive protests to prevent extradition from Hong Kong to mainland China. Now, the dreaded national security apparatus of mainland China will take residence in Hong Kong.

We stand with the people of Hong Kong, who have suffered so terribly in their struggle to maintain the autonomy promised them. We commend the actions the U.S. government has already taken to disengage economically from the PRC, including the May 27 declaration that Hong Kong is no longer autonomous, and President Trump’s announcement that the US will end Hong Kong’s trade privileges. These tragic actions should be blamed on the CCP, whose shameless maneuvers and raw power grabs have brought us to this point.

The global community needs to protect international security and economic interests. On the table should be various economic and financial sanctions, such as those recommended by the Committee on the Present Danger: China. In addition, we need to hold individuals accountable through the Global Magnitsky Act. 

We also need to increase our commitment to the people of Taiwan, especially in light of the ominous statement by a top Chinese general that China will attack Taiwanto stop independence. Hong Kong now, Taiwan next?

Taiwan is opening its armsto Hong Kong citizens who want to resettle in the face of the tightening grip of the CCP. We call upon the United States and governments the world over to do the same.

While our two organizations advocate for women’s rights, we note that half of the people of Hong Kong are female, including many brave protesters. Our organizations will, as always, do our part to assist women and children persecuted by China’s authoritarian regime.

Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers

Jing Zhang, Founder and President, Women’s Rights in China (wrchina.org)

May 30,2020


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